We are proud to announce that our Gazeta Polska Costa had the honor of taking part in the competition “Strong Polonia - strong Poland. Polish media in 2024”, organized by the Oder-Niemen Association. What's more, our activities were recognized, and we received funding that will allow us to grow and support the Polish community in exile even more effectively.
What is the “Strong Polonia - Strong Poland” competition?
This competition is aimed at supporting Polish media, which play a key role in building ties between compatriots around the world. Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by the Oder-Niemen Association, it promotes and rewards initiatives that contribute to maintaining Polish culture, language and traditions abroad. It is an extremely important endeavor that supports journalists and media makers in their mission to inform, educate and integrate Polonia.
A few words about the Oder-Niemen Association
The Oder-Niemen Association is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to nurture Polish history and traditions and to support Poles around the world. It works for the benefit of veterans, Kresowiak (borderlanders) and Polonia, implementing numerous educational, cultural and social projects. For years it has been involved in patriotic activities, organizing, among other things, assistance for compatriots in the East and events commemorating Polish heroes.
What does this award mean to us?
Obtaining funding in the competition “Strong Polonia - strong Poland” is a great honor and motivation for Gazeta Polska Costa to continue its work. The funds will allow us to develop our activities. It is also confirmation that our mission - to promote Polishness and build community among compatriots abroad - is important and appreciated.