Sunday, 16 February 2025

Technical Inspection of the Vehicle (ITV) in Spain: What Drivers Should Know

Regulations/March 09, 2024

In Spain, the technical inspection of a vehicle (ITV) was, until recently, required for all vehicles, and passing it could sometimes be onerous, especially for older or modified vehicles.

Since the beginning of this year, there has been a novelty regarding technical inspections. Cars registered before January 1, 1950, whether they are passenger vehicles or mopeds, are exempt from the technical inspection requirement. The goal is to give more importance to historic vehicles.

In general, vehicles in Spain must undergo technical inspection in the following periods:

• After 4 years if the vehicle is new.
• Every 2 years after completing the previous 4 years.
• Every year if the vehicle is more than 10 years old.

However, the DGT has introduced a new law that requires light goods vehicles with a GVW of less than 3,500 kilograms to go through an ITV twice a year (every 6 months).

Although this regulation probably does not apply to all drivers, if you own a light goods vehicle, you may be had to watch out for the technical inspection dates.

Once the inspection is done, the owner receives a sticker with the expiration date of the inspection to be placed in the upper right corner of the windshield.

Let us always remember the need to take care of the technical condition of our vehicles, which not only avoids potential financial penalties, but contributes to our safety.


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