Sunday, 16 February 2025

New temporary parking lots will soon be built in Torrevieja

Torrevieja/April 16, 2024

On April 15, 2024, the Torrevieja City Council met in a meeting of the Local Council of Government to approve a key issue concerning municipal infrastructure. During this session, it was decided to hold a tender for the drafting of a design and execution of works to prepare land for new parking lots.

The contract was based on Package 2 of the Framework Agreement, and it is envisaged that the project will cover six city-owned and undeveloped lots, on which it is planned to take measures to adapt them for parking.

A total of six parking lots will be built, covering more than 150,000 sqm Here are the locations and areas of the new parking lots:

• 1. Parking Lot 1: Estación Avenue - Urbano Arregui Street - Acequión Canal in Torrevieja N-332. Area: approximately 14,573 sq. m.
• 2. Parking Lot 2: Ciudad de Barcelona Street - Acequión Public School - Estación Avenue - N-332. Area: approximately 12,789 sq. m.
• 3. Parking 3: Park of Nations Estate - N-332. Area: approximately 11,350 sq. m.
• 4. Parking 4: Ramón del Valle Inclán Avenue - Torreta - José María de Pereda Street - Emilia Pardo Bazán Street. Area: approximately 7,102 m2.
• 5. Parking lot 5: Juan Valera Street - CV-905 - Rosa Mazón Valero Avenue. Area: 15,315 m2.
• 6. Parking lot 6: Avenue Delfina Viudes - N-332 (Park Antonio Soria - Torrevieja Weekly Market). Area: approximately 92,397 sq. m.

The decision to build new parking lots stems from the growing demand of residents and tourists for parking spaces around the city center. The city decided to use available municipal land to create parking lots, in line with its transportation infrastructure commitments.

The new parking lots are to guarantee efficient service, allowing easy entry and exit of vehicles. Consideration is also being given to the placement of information boards around the city, showing the availability and location of each parking lot, along with the number of available parking spaces. The infrastructure is to have comprehensive installations, such as drainage systems, lighting, access to potable water and electricity, fire protection, and signaling and marking.

It is also planned to include energy generation systems from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, to meet the energy needs of the facilities.

However, before proceeding with the construction of permanent structures, the city intends to use existing land to create smaller temporary parking lots that will be easily accessible and meet the current needs of residents and tourists, but at this point no specific timelines have been given for the project.

Author: Ayuntamiento de Torrevieja


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