Saturday, January 18, 2025

Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra inaugurates 2025

Culture/January 06, 2025

With an exceptionally festive concert, filling the hall of the Auditorio Internacional with the magic of music based on a stimulating and accessible selection of musical pieces, for the fifteenth time, the Torrevieja Symphony Orchestra, conducted by, maestro José Francisco Sanchez, welcomed the New Year and Epiphany. The New Year's Concerts in Torrevieja have traditionally become the most recognized and appreciated events organized by the Symphony Orchestra, referring to the Viennese concerts, although fundamentally different in terms of programming and ...without the participation of the ballet.

A powerful start to the evening was a dignified and solemn performance of the introduction to the opera “Carmen” by G. Bizet, followed by a truly exquisite feast, consisting of hits of international music. And so we heard the Overture “The Magpie Thief” by G. Rossini, and the Waltz from the opera “Faust” by Ch. Gounod - pieces representing the well-recognized opera classics. Continuing the first part of our orchestra's concert with maestro Sanchez on the conductor's podium, two rousing dances by H.C. were performed. Lumbyea, set to a galloping rhythm, which were punctuated for contrast by a subtle and delicately delivered Waltz by A. Hopkins. Full of lively tempo and energetic “Jota” from T. Breton's zarzuela “La Dolores”, ended the first half of this magical meeting.

The second part of the concert, the Symphony Orchestra, conducted by maestro J.F. Sanchez, devoted almost exclusively to works by the Strauss family. Almost, because, as if by accident, two otherwise nice pieces crept in between the “Viennese,” the first of which, the Preludio to the zarzuela “The Barber of Lavapiés,” proved to be a good introduction to the mood of Straussian works. Subsequently, we listened to; “Spanish March”, a waltz titled. “Austrian Country Swallows,” and the fast polka “Beyond the Borders.” An excellent interlude of Straussian offerings was a reminder of the “Typing Machine”, which is already worn out and struggling to become a museum object. An amusing piece by I. Anderson with the machine in the role of a soloist, superbly and with a great sense of humor, accompanied by OST was performed by a musician of the orchestra - Santiago Pizana.

Two works by Johann Strauss II - a fast polka entitled “Slow Cartridges” and the most famous waltz “On the Beautiful Blue Danube,” performed without even the slightest elements of routine or excessive cloying, ended the programmed part of the concert. Great performances ! You could hear that the orchestra had real fun while performing this concert.

Closing this report, let me congratulate director J.F. Sanchez for his wonderful artistic taste, combining art with exquisite entertainment and pleasant emotions. With these pieces, maestro Sánchez - a conductor with great musical sensitivity - was able to charm the audience with the subtle, as if unreal and colorful sound of the orchestra, showing also a great deal of vitality, cheerfulness, joy and positive sound energy. The lively reaction of the red-hot audience attested to the delight and extraordinary acceptance. The grateful audience was treated to two encores; - Joseph Strauss' “Carnival of Venice” - an incredibly witty piece, performed with a great deal of imagination and humor, and the “Radetzky March,” which traditionally crowns New Year's concerts with a “Standing Ovation” with the active participation of the audience, as it could not be otherwise.

!!! Definitely, it was truly a GREAT GALA !!!

Author: Antoni Jakubowski - Krytyk muzyczny


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